Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Which type of person are you? Trend-Setter or Dyed-in-the-Wool?

Isn't it funny how you always get basically one of two types of person?

Which are you? Do you set trends or are you fervently dyed-in-the-wool and basically distrustful of change? I am a Trend-Setter! I love change, I love to move house, I have a camper van so I can sleep under the same sky each night under a different tree! I love to create things which in themselves develop and change like blogs!

Change and fast development is the very nature of the internet. I recall a time before computers existed in PC type format - I was about 7 years. At 8 I met my first Commodore 64: wow, you were really something if you had one of those back then! The computers at secondary school played pacman and the computers at college were for word processing: one of my friend's dad worked at home for IBM! What a nice stay at home job, I thought, and determined to learn more about computing! That was 1990 and the internet was of the future. And now is that future! Twenty light years on. Well, I mean, they weren't heavy years.

I am at home in the UK right now living by the sea with my laptop and a dongle mobile broadband connection - didn't you hate dial-up? That horrible whirring sound on the phone line and everybody created websites loaded with glaring graphics that took so long to load and then blasted your eyesight with bright lime green! A bit like this blog loading really! Green is not a nice colour on screen! Trees yes. Screen no. I can self publish now pretty much as fast as I can type and press Enter! Doesn't mean it's all worth reading...but I like to think a little bit here and there is!

Is there a place in our super fast modern world for the dyed-in-the-wool personality? Guess farmers and fishermen don't change much: a new tractor, sattelite navigation, basic principle of sowing and reaping and casting a net don't change. Human nature doesn't seem to change much either, nor improve over time! Plenty folks around grumping about how bad everything is.

It all begins with BELIEF. What your underlying beliefs are dictates the way you react daily. Which people identify as your personality but it's just your reactions coming out of your core beliefs about the world around much of the time. Change those core beliefs and you change the person - your personality changes as your beliefs change. Mostly it's just a casual drift in no particular direction, not enough for anyone to notice over the years! Examine your beliefs: what makes up the skeleton of your personality? Anything you want to change? But it's near impossible to shift a tightly welded belief!

I believe largely in hope. I always hope things will improve for me, that I will find opportunities, make the best of them, succeed. I try hard! But when things go bad, when I meet people with big black negative beliefs what can I do? Usually I run! Because even being near such a person ruins my week, makes me feel bad about myself and my achievements. Which are damn good as it happens; yet no matter how much you excel, there's always some negative spoiler to appear and make you feel real bad about yourself. How do they do it? They begin by deciding you are no good. Obviously they don't know you and haven't checked out the facts! But in all your dealings with that type of personality you will fail! You might even keep trying to please them, probably to prove yourself. Just run a mile! Learn to recognize this type of person a mile off and hide!

Why would anyone do that? Make you feel bad about yourself? Like you are taking up space they could be better occupying, indeed anyone on Earth could better occupy! Maybe they feel bad about themselves? Must be a daily reality! They sure have some kind of nerd need to put other people down. Spot this person, run a mile, hide, don't even try! And the really odd thing is: I take an age afterwards trying to feel good about myself again! Their nasty attitude soils my spirit. Like I actually feel a need to remind myself that I have been a teacher for 18 years with great results and I play some fine musical instruments and I am on occasion a poet and an artist and (this you will not believe!) a writer...See it's all that negative energy chasing in and around on itself - that's all negative energy does - inwardly destroys.

Positive energy renews and recreates! I like to see the bright side and think the best of people so it often doesn't hit me that I am working with an intensely negative person until a little too late! Then I run and keep running! Is the Trend-Setter negative or positive? What about the Dyed-in-the-Wool type? I think there are many personality opposites and these do not necessarily match up. Someone who is opposed to change is likely to have a dampening effect on everyone whilst a trend setter is going to be more lively, flambouyant, devil-may-care, go getter.

To me, negative gets older and positive gets younger.

And what about belief? Belief is neutral. It only exists when you allow it to take root, generally as a definite one way or other dogma. But it is so subtle that it is unlikely you are even aware of your beliefs on a daily basis, nor how they affect your decisions and attitudes. Perhaps Great-Grandmama refused to bring May into the house. Now you won't allow green paint in the sitting room. You are victim of a hand-me-down superstition you are not even aware of. Does it matter? Can you do anything about this? Can you alter your belief patterns? Can you change your inner attitude? Or your daily attitude? Is your attitude the product of your emotion about an event and based on how you felt when you got up this morning? Or is it deep rooted inside your personality so you cannot change it? Can you trend set your emotions, your beliefs, your reactions or your daily attitude?

I believe you can work on yourself to become broader minded by learning more about the world and the peoples of different countries, see more points of view, determine always to see everything from at least two differing points of view and read daily motivational quotes. It's too easy to get bogged down in the gutter press and see your daily life through a thick film of grime. Clean the windows of your lens and marvel at the technicolour instead!

Tell me about one great trend setter and one person opposed to change in your life! :)

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